Annual Grade 9 trip to the Eastern Cape
[divider_flat]On 4 June, we took delivery of four new Isuzu bakkies from Dampier Motors in Aliwal North, to replace our bus which was involved in an accident and will be repaired and sold.
[divider_flat]On 30 July 2019, we celebrated the HCET’s 30th anniversary with a wonderful production of dance and music in the Coleserg High School hall, depicting the journey of children from our humble beginnings to the present. The storyline was developed by Ann Hill, our English language and literacy consultant. Gay Morris, a retired professor of…
Two of our most generous and loyal donors have funded the purchase of a pre-fabricated classroom. Our principal, Marie Botha, will use the classroom for her maths classes. Given the recent growth in learners at Umthombo Wolwazi, she has been teaching maths in the school hall since the beginning of the year. The Gerber School…
[divider_flat]On 22 February, Umthombo Wolwazi held its annual athletics meeting on the athletics field of the Colesberg High School. It was one of the hottest days of the year! Nevertheless, the day went off successfully. The Green Team won.
The monthly magazine Noseweek has published a lengthy article about the HCET in its October 2019 issue. The full article, by the freelance writer Sue Segar, appears below.
On 31 July, two HCET teacher interns – Delia Allens and Unathi Asiya — received their Level 5 ECD Certificates from the Custoda Trust in Delportshoop after completing their distance studies, undertaken over several years. Delia Allens was the top student. This is a huge achievement, and we salute both of you !